A place to start: Investing a greater effort in marriage!

How many positive adjectives can you honestly use to describe your marriage? Is it fun? Is it happy? Is it fulfilling? Or a combination of two or more wonderful things such as satisfying and growing. Unfortunately for a large majority who are currently in marriage, there are very few positive things to say about our relationships. With so many marriages being in danger, we need to take a stand and fight for the most important human social institution.

The first step we can do to make marriage better for us and our spouses is to make a greater Effort! There is no doubt that we all try, some more than others but as long as you are married you have to be making some kind of effort. In some cases the effort made is commendable while there are many situations where the effort is simply not enough. Making a greater effort should start with you dealing with the most frequent changeable issue you have heard your spouse bring up in the recent past. In a lot of cases, these issues are simply a matter of adjusting your lifestyle. By doing just a little to accommodate their concerns, you will have done a lot for your marriage.

A better marriage will automatically spell success to you and your spouse in every other area of life. A fulfilling relationship boosts confidence in an individual. It also allows you to focus on your business, career or schooling which leads to even more happiness once you achieve in these personal pursuits. Each of us knows the damage that a bad marriage can wreck on career, business and school. By investing a little more time, energy and thought into your marriage, you reap huge benefits individually and as a family.

A huge challenge in executing the greater effort agenda is having a partner who does not reciprocate. This is however a challenge that can be effectively dealt with through proper communication. Talking your partner into improving what they do can be difficult especially when you are dealing with a “no brainer” that they should already know or be good at! It is hard to resist the temptation of telling them off while bragging about the goodies you have managed to deliver through your greater efforts! Unfortunately, this will not propel most people in the direction which you had hoped to guide them towards. Poor communication will actually reduce the interest of your spouse in making any effort at all.

Start by putting a little more effort in the time, energy and thought you invest into your marriage and you will no doubt reap huge dividends that are individual as well as corporate.


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